
Watch: Incredible Moment Buck Clears Hood of Car and Runs Off into Sunset


With Christmas season upon us, many children have their eyes focused on the clouds, wondering if reindeer really know how to fly.

Although deer have amazing agility and grace, they are more likely to clear hills, small trees and bushes. But one deer accomplished a feat that looked to be as close to flying as real deer get.

As a man was driving his car down the motorway, he spotted a huge buck running in the field to the right of the road.

The animal kept pace with the car, showing off his amazing speed, and the driver decided to record the amazing sight. which was later posted by VT.

Faster and faster the buck ran until it was finally past the car’s length. It was almost as if it was racing the car to see who would cross the finish line first.

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The buck then made a hasty decision that could have led to a major disaster. You just have to watch the video to see the animal almost magically take flight.

The buck sprang into action, deciding to cross the road. While this is usually a poor decision for a deer, this buck proved he had the strength and courage to make it across.

The buck made an astounding leap that took it skyward. It flew over the car without even coming close to the roof, nailing the landing on the other side of the road.

The man was shocked, to say the least, as we would all be if we had witnessed such a feat first hand.

The buck was not injured or phased by the event as it ran off into the sunset without a care in the world.

Amazingly the whole scene was caught on camera, from the quick race to the daring leap.

Many people pointed out that this story could have ended differently, and cautioned drivers to slow down in case the animal decides to do something crazy.

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However, this crazy buck was able to take a leap of faith as it crossed the road.

It seems like this buck is aiming to try out for Santa’s team. One commenter said it perfectly: “santa needs to hire this guy like, now.”

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Dawn is a writer from Milwaukee who loves the art of crafting copy. She has experience in marketing and worked as editor-in-chief of a monthly B2B magazine where she honed her writing skills. No matter the topic or audience, she has a story to tell.
Dawn is a writer from Milwaukee who loves the art of crafting copy. She has previously worked in marketing and as as editor-in-chief of a monthly B2B magazine where she honed her writing skills. She enjoys the art of captivating readers and making them come back time and time again for more. No matter the topic or audience, she has a story to tell. Whether it’s an article, newsletter, news release or web content, she's done it.
BA, University of Wisconsin - Whitewater
Waukesha, Wisconsin
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